Nov 26, 2018

Which sport are you made for?

"I went for a run."
"A run?" he repeated, distracted from trying to place the vague accent.
"Yes, I'm into running." She lifted her face and studied the perfect sky. "Actually, I was into running before it was something to get into. Even though I resent being part of a trend, I can't stop. Do you swim every morning?"
"Whenever I can."
"Maybe I'll try that instead. Swimming uses more muscles, and you don't sweat."
"I never thought about it quite that way."

Tonight and Always


By Ed Yourdon, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Take 30 seconds to dash through the 13 quick questions in our sports quiz and we'll have our best stab at suggesting which events from the Commonwealth Games could match your physical and mental abilities.