Apr 24, 2018

The 1-minute sex fix

When he drew away, she fought off a shudder, forced a
smile to her lips. "Well, now, good morning to you."
"Just shut up a minute." He pulled her back, but this time
simply rested his cheek on top of her head.
She wanted to step back.
 This embrace was more
intimate than the kiss, 
and just as stirring. Just, she
realized as she relaxed 
against him, as irresistible.

Heart of the Sea


By Christiana Rivers christiana - https://unsplash.com/photos/itQV5w_Ishw, CC0,

It's 7:30 a.m. and a man is about to leave the house to go to work. Kissing his wife goodbye, he buries his face in her hair to inhale her scent. His arms circle her waist to pull her closer. Her body molds to his and they breathe together for a moment, both feeling excited. Then he looks at his watch and hurries off, waving goodbye.
What is this couple doing?