Mar 2, 2016

Flight Attendant Style

He loitered at the gate, eyeing a pair of flight attendants who
were waiting for a change of crew. 

Now that, he mused, was a profession that drew pretty women. 

It almost made a man feel there'd be some advantage in 
being stuck in a flying tin can for a few hours.

The Fall of Shane MacKade


By Iberia Airlines - 1962 Uniforme Iberia por Pedro Rodríguez, 
CC BY 2.0,

From Pillbox Hats to Go-Go Boots: Flight Attendant Style Through the Years

Just as fashions change throughout our daily lives, so did the style of stewardess uniforms. From the structured military style dress suits of yesteryear to the more casual—and boxier—outfits of the 90's and beyond. It's safe to say cabin couture has come a long way.