"Why?" He shrugged his shoulders. It always made him uncomfortable when
people asked him to analyze. "I don't know. Maybe because when people go into
a scary movie, they stop thinking about the lousy day they had at the office after
the opening scream."
By KΓ‘tia Goretti Dias Vazzoller from Brazil - Day 21 -
Relax, take it easy..., CC BY-SA 2.0,
Why do we love to watch scary horror films? Some psychologists claim people go to horror films because they want to be frightened or they wouldn't do it twice.
"The one who wrote that gory movie you and Sebastian dragged me to."
"It was really quite intelligent and sly."
"Hmm." Anastasia drank again. "And gory. Then again, you've always enjoyed that kind of thing."
"Watching evil is an entertaining way to reaffirm good."