Dec 14, 2018

Replant a festive tree

"I'd say we're ready for the tree. Let's go find one."
You want to drive into town now?.
"Of course not." Pandora was already pulling coats out of the hall closet.
"We'll go right out in the woods and dig one up."
"Certainly. I hate it when people cut trees down and then toss them aside after the new year.
The woods are loaded with nice little pines. We'll dig one up, then replant it after the holidays."

A Will and a Way


By Randi Hausken from BΓ¦rum, Norway - The Christmas tree, CC BY-SA 2.0,

By the time you purchase a tree, it has already been cut for weeks, or maybe even months. However, even a freshly cut tree has been separated from its roots and replanting a Christmas tree without roots simply isn’t possible. If you’re determined to plant your Christmas tree, purchase a tree with a healthy root ball that has been securely wrapped in burlap. This is an expensive alternative, but with proper care, the tree will beautify the landscape for many years.


“You know,” he said a few moments later, “it suddenly occurs to me that you‟re going to expect me to dig a hole
to put this thing in after Christmas.”
Shane sent him a guileless smile. “What a good idea. 
I know just the place too. You‟ll probably need a pick though. 
There are an awful lot of rocks.” 
Ignoring Vance‟s rude rejoinder, she waved over an attendant. 
With the roots carefully wrapped in burlap and the tree itself paid for—
by Shane over Vance‟s objection—they headed home.

First Impressions