Jun 8, 2018

What having a pet does to your brain and body

With the cat warming his feet and the music in low, Carter stretched out on the living
room sofa with a book and a short glass of Jameson.
He’d spent winter evenings like this before, he mused, with the cat and a book for company after work was
done. It contented him.
He wished he had a fire. Of course, he’d need a fireplace first. But a fire would add a nice civilized evening-at home
touch. A kind of Masterpiece Theatre touch.

The professor and his cat by the fire, reading on a snowy evening.

Visions in White


By Maria Shanina mariashanina (https://unsplash.com/photos/_la-c2zrDlg) [CC0], 
via Wikimedia Commons

Your pets have a larger effect on your body and brain than you might think. 
They have the ability to increase levels of oxytocin in the brain, 
bringing you a state of calm. 


He climbed in himself, decided on a book rather than TV to 
ease him toward sleep.
By the time Fin turned off the light, Bugs was quietly snoring. 
Fin found the sound of it a small comfort, and wondered how pathetic it was 
when a snoring dog eased the lonely.

Blood Magick