Jun 4, 2016

Grilling mistakes and how to avoid them

"A monumental moment. I am passing the sacred tongs and spatula to you."
"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Ally elbowed her brother aside. "Why can't I do it?"
"Ah." Boyd held a hand to his heart. "How many times have I heard you say those very words in our long and exciting life together?"
Amused and fascinated by the family dynamics, Jonah watched mutiny settle over Ally's face. "Well, why can't I?"
"Allison, my treasure, there are some things a man must pass to his son. Son." Boyd laid a hand on Bryant's shoulder. "I'm trusting you with the Fletcher reputation. Don't let me down."
"Dad." Bryant wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. "I'm overwhelmed. Honored. I swear to uphold the family name, no matter what the cost."
"Take these." Boyd held out the barbecue tools. "Today, you are a man."

Night Shield


By Hedwig Storch - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, 

Cooking is still a science, even when you're doing it outdoors. Despite what your dad might have taught you, grilling is more about patience and planning than poking and prodding. Make a single error, and your burgers could turn out tough and bitter, your chicken rare and unappetizing.
Luckily, these errors are easy to avoid.


“Quite a view,” Quinn added, nodding toward the men at the grill.
“Camera worthy.”
“Excellent idea. Be right back.”
“Where’s she going?” Layla asked.
“I have no idea. Just as I have no idea why it apparently takes three grown men to cook some hamburgers.”
“One to cook, one to kibitz, and one to insult the other two.”
“Ah. Another mystery solved.”

The Pagan Stone