"Every year on my birthday I give myself a gift. It's very simple, really.
One day to do whatever I choose.
Whatever feels right to me."
unbekannt, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
How do you feel about celebrating your birthday?
As my
birthday rolls around this year, I’ve been thinking about how people feel about
their birthday arriving and whether they treat it like a celebration or not.
I have
friends who feel it’s nothing special and prefer to ignore it, others who
acknowledge it but don’t like being made a fuss of, and then others who love an
excuse to take the day off work and enjoy being spoilt.
“We’ll have
to save room for it and the ice cream,” John said. “After the birthday dinner.
We were going to get pizza, but you started those meatballs, so we adjusted.”
went bright, as if the sun burst through the pounding rain. “You’re going to
“I repeat,
it’s your birthday. No way I’m missing out on ice cream and cake. We’ll wait
for the others for eats, but I think you should open your gifts now.”
“Really? It’s all right?”
the genius doesn’t comprehend the power of birthday. Here.”
The Witness