Jun 6, 2012

benefits in sharing a bed

"Why couldn't you sleep?"
"How do I know? The doctor's got some sort of holistic tea he wants me to try."
"Sex is a good sedative."
"Maybe. Especially, for instance, if your partner's on the inadequate side. You can catch a quick nap quick nap during the act."

Angels Fall


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 062

Couples may get health benefits simply from sleeping in the same bed, a burgeoning field of study is showing. In fact, some scientists believe that sleeping with a partner may be a major reason why people with close relationships tend to be in better health and live longer.



Roz woke at four, too early to jog, too late to talk herself back to sleep. She lay awhile, in the quiet dark. It amazed her how quickly she'd gotten used to having Mitch in her bed. She didn't feel crowded, or even surprised to have him sleeping beside her.
It felt more natural than she'd expected-not something she had to adjust to, but something she'd discovered she no longer wanted to do without.
She wondered why it didn't feel odd to wake with him, to start the daily routine with another person in her space. The bathroom shuffle, the conversation-or the silence-while they dressed.
Not odd or strange, she decided, maybe because some part of her had been waiting to make this unit again.

Black Rose