Mar 27, 2019

Julia Roberts preparing for ‘Pretty Woman’

"Are you out of your mind?" Alex barked the question as he leaned over into her face. 
"Do you have any idea what you were doing?"
She blinked, at once innocent and amused. "Research?"
He swore again, and Bess found she liked the way he raked 
impatient fingers through his thick black hair. "Lady, just how far were you
intending to take your research?"
"How—? Oh." Her eyes brightened with laughter. 
"Well no, not quite that far."

Convincing Alex 


Julia Roberts prepared to play a prostitute in “Pretty Woman” by hanging out with hookers
 on Hollywood Boulevard, according to Barbara Marshall, 
widow of the movie’s director, Garry Marshall.


"My wife went nuts." Judd Malloy munched on his cherry Danish 
while Alex swung in and out of downtown traffic. "She's a big fan of that
soap, you know? Tapes it every day when she's in school."
"Terrific." Alex had been doing his best to forget his little 
encounter with the soap queen, but his partner wasn't cooperating.
"Holly figures it was just like meeting a celebrity."
"You don't find many celebrities turning tricks."
"Come on, Alex." Judd washed down the Danish with
heavily sugared coffee. "She wasn't, really."

Convincing Alex