Oct 14, 2019

This Is What Playfulness Does To Your Relationship

"You can work eight, twelve hours a day," Parks continued. 

"You can enjoy your job, be terrific at what you do, 
but you still need to throw a Frisbee now and again."
"Frisbee?" This brought on a baffled laugh that pleased him. 
The hands on his shoulders relaxed. "What are you talking about?"
''Fun, Brooke. A sense of the ridiculous, laziness, riding Ferris wheels. 
All those things that make working worthwhile."
She had the uncomfortable feeling she was being expertly 
led away from the subject at hand.
 "What does riding a Ferris wheel have to do with you and me making love?"

Rules Of The Game


Peter Drier [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]

I’ll be the first to admit, well, maybe not the first, but I’m admitting it anyway: 
it’s not that easy to be playful.
Even when I know that playfulness and fun bring more harmony, 
delight, surprises and loving kindness in my relationship. 
Even science confirm that playfulness makes the relationship more strong.


"Throw a few Frisbees with me, Brooke. Ride a
few waves. Let's see where it takes us."
Looking at him, she could feel her resistance melting. 
Before she could prevent it, her hand had lifted
from his shoulder to brush at the hair that fell over his forehead. 
"You make it sound so simple,"
she murmured.
"Not simple." He took her other hand and pressed his lips to the palm. 
"Even fun isn't always simple."

Rules Of The Game