Oct 18, 2019

9 ways to use up leftover pumpkin

Her trio of pumpkins waited on a bed of 
newspapers on her kitchen table. She'd 
already used a portion
of the largest for Lulu's dessert. 
It only waited to be carved into the appropriate design.
She would make pumpkin bread, she thought, 
as she began on the second. 
And pie, cookies.

Dance Upon the Air


By Давче - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

There’s more to pumpkins than spooky Halloween decorations. 
Instead of wasting these wonderful winter vegetables, 
re-use them in these sweet or savoury recipes.


"Want me to dump the guts for you?"
"Dump them? How would I make a pie?"
"With a can." His brow furrowed as he watched her slide chunks of pumpkin into a large bowl. "You
mean you actually use that stuff?"
"Of course. Where do you think they get the stuff in the cans?"
"I never thought about it. Pumpkin factory."

Dance Upon the Air