Mar 21, 2019

Celebrating Bach

She closed her eyes, opened herself to the music as she drew out Bach. 
The lovely, complicated and romantic notes from his Suite Number I in G 
for Unaccompanied Cello.
Her mind could rest with the music. Flow with it. Quiet. 
Here was comfort, the mathematics and the art, blended together into beauty.
For these precious moments, she had and would drag the cumbersome instrument
 on every plane, truck, train, to every dig no matter how problematic.
Soothed, she set the bow aside.



Google Doodle celebrates the composer's birthday with AI music game

Search engine giant makes its first-ever AI-powered doodle in an incredible tribute to the Baroque composer.

Today, you can mark the 334th birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach by creating your own two-bar chorale in perfect harmony.

J.S. Bach was born in Germany on 21 March 1685, spending his life as a church and court musician, writing over 1,200 works for organ, choirs, chamber ensembles and orchestras.


"Why don't you play, Kirby?" Fairchild poured a second brandy for himself
and Adam. "It helps clear my mind."
"All right." With a quick smile for Adam, Kirby moved to the far end of the
room, running a finger over a wing-shaped instrument he'd taken for a small
It took only a few notes for him to realize he'd been wrong. A harpsichord,
he thought, astonished. The tinny music floated up. Bach. Adam recognized
the composer and wondered if he'd fallen down the rabbit hole. No one—no
one normal—played Bach on a harpsichord in a castle in the twentieth
Fairchild sat, his eyes half closed, one thin finger tapping while Kirby
continued to play. Her eyes were grave, her mouth faintly moist and sober.

The Art of Deception