Jan 18, 2019

Handbags that fit in the palm of your hand

Maybe Annika didn’t hit Riley’s goal of lightning round, 
but she managed to buy earrings
—two pair—sandals—one with five-inch heels 
she navigated as if born in them—
a tiny purse that would hold little more than air, 
but had a seashell clasp that charmed her.

Bay of Sighs


By Nick Karvounis nickkarvounis - https://unsplash.com/photos/FmD8tIkf8boarchive copy at the 
Wayback Machine (archived on 2 October 2016), CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61780469

To say artist Phillip Nuveen has an eye for detail would be an understatement, as evidenced through his creation of perfect miniatures — exacting replicas of luxury items from high-fashion bags to midcentury modern chairs, all tiny enough to sit in the palm of your hand.