Dec 3, 2018

"Call me late to dinner. Just leave my name alone."

He nodded in agreement. "Do I call you Kathleen?"
"I certainly hope not." She grinned. "No one else does."
It took him a moment to understand. "Kasey, then."

Tonight and Always


By Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia - 
Write Your Name, Ethiopia, 
CC BY-SA 2.0,

As far as the “you can call me anything you want,” portion of that joke, I can definitely relate. My name — which seems pretty straightforward to me — is apparently a booger to remember, pronounce or get right half the time. You might never call me late to dinner, but one of every 20 people are going to call me “John.”


"It stands for Magdalen Juliette."
A cough of laughter escaped him. It was the last thing he'd expected. "You're kidding."
"It stands for Magdalen Juliette," she repeated between clenched teeth. 
"And the only people who know that are my family, Bailey and Grace. 
In other words, only people I love and trust, which now includes you."
"Magdalen Juliette," he repeated, rolling it around on his tongue. 
"Quite a handle, sugar."
"It's M.J. Legally M.J., because that's what I wanted. 
And if you ever call me any form of Magdalen Juliette other than M.J.,
 I will personally and with great pleasure skin you alive."

Captive Star