Jul 14, 2016

Nora's Power

Today on the train there was a man reading... not so rare... but I always have to know what people are reading... between his page's turn I saw it was a paperback. From Nora!

It's "From the Heart" that contains "Tonight and Always", "A Matter of Choice" and "Endings and Beginnings".

cover of the book in its Portuguese version

Times are changing when a man reads Nora Roberts, on a train, in a Latin Country. I told you of my ways in converting Dear Husband here and here. But still I don't see him owning a NR Novel in public... yet ;)

Could hardly refrain myself from congratulating the man (do you think an hug would be too much?! let's wait a few more men + Nora books before they understand the power of a Nora's Hug ahahahahah)  but then again I wouldn't be able to not start sharing what I thought of those books and spoiling the discovery for him... and the man was in a GOOD part of "A Matter of choice" - I managed to read: "Kasey studied Jordan for a moment as Harry fixed himself another martini." so Kasey is meeting Jordan and... life happens ahahahah)  besides my station was fast arriving... So I just stole a pic of the (proud, for me) moment.

I'm opening a new label here on the blog called "People reading Nora"... I'll be on the look out for more.