Nov 21, 2018

Eugenia Martínez de Irujo and Narcís Rebollo, surprise wedding in Las Vegas

He flipped it open, took out a snapshot. 
"I can't give it to you," he said. "It's the only one I've got. 
But I thought you might like to see it. Wedding photo. Sort of. 
We drove out to Vegas and got it done in one of those 
get-hitched-quick places. In fact, we looked for the tackiest 
one we could find. We had some guy take this for us outside, right after."



The image shared by Eugenia Martínez de Irujo in her Instagram profile has set off alarms. Has the Duchess of Montoro married Narcis Rebollo in Las Vegas? The daughter of the Duchess of Alba and her current partner, the President of Universal Music in Spain and Portugal, appear dressed as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.


"You look terribly in love," Suzanne managed. 
"Stupid with it." 
