Oct 30, 2018

Beautiful Tattoos Inspired by Invisible Illness

Turning at the mirror, she brushed the weight of it off the back of her left shoulder and exposed the small tattoo of a full moon.
That had been a young, foolish act, she thought now. Branding herself with a symbol of her disease.
But it served to remind her of what she was, every day. Not just at the full moon, but every day. 
And when she was cured, it would remind her of what she’d survived.

Wolf Moon


By Amber STclaire (originally posted to Flickr as tattoo_shop) [CC BY-SA 2.0  
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

When you’re fighting an invisible battle, sometimes a visual representation can help encourage you to keep going and remind you of what you’ve already overcome. 


“And what’s this here?” He skimmed those fingers over her other shoulder, 
and the
small tattoo of a full moon.
“A reminder, that it’s always part of me.”

Wolf Moon