Jul 30, 2018

Guide to growing Hydrangeas

“I hope you like hydrangeas.”
“I surely do.”
“Then pick your spot, and tell me where I can find a shovel.”
She wanted it right in front, where she could see it when she sat on her porch.
While he dug, she went in the house, came back out with a plastic container.
“Coffee grounds, some orange peels I haven’t taken out to the compost yet. You bury these with the roots, boy. They’ll help keep the blooms blue.”

Shelter in Place


By Dwight Sipler from Stow, MA, USA - Blue Hydrangea 
(Pink Hydrangea?)Uploaded by Jacopo Werther, CC BY 2.0, 

Low-Maintenance, Long-Lasting Hydrangeas

Find out which panicle varieties are so amazing, you'll never want to plant a bigleaf type again


“Reed. That’s a nice hydrangea. Nikko Blue. Needs acidic soil to keep it that way.”
“Then I’m passing it to the guy who knows.”

Shelter in Place