He smelled of rain and soap and...
Brut, she realized.
And the aftershave had some
flicker of memory
trying to light in her brain.
Remember When
By Frieda Menshausen-Labriola - Offizieller Katalog
der Münchener Jahres-Ausstellung 1900 im kgl.
Glaspalast, 2. Ausgabe, Verlag der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft
München, 23. Juni 1900, Public Domain,
der Münchener Jahres-Ausstellung 1900 im kgl.
Glaspalast, 2. Ausgabe, Verlag der Münchner Künstlergenossenschaft
München, 23. Juni 1900, Public Domain,
Smelling Art with Sissel Tolaas
We’re used to looking at art, hearing art, perhaps touching it. But smelling? This artist is trying to change the way we think about using our noses.