Feb 3, 2018

Small Bites to Share

"You can make deviled eggs," Nadia said kindly when she noted Sydney was at a loss. "They will be cool soon."

"I, ah…" She stared, marginally horrified, at the shiny white orbs she'd rinsed in the sink. "I don't know how."

"Your mama didn't teach you to cook?" It wasn't annoyance in Nadia's voice, just disbelief. Nadia had considered it her duty to teach every one of her children—whether they'd wanted to learn or not.

As far as Sydney knew, Marguerite had never boiled an egg much less deviled one. Sydney offered a weak smile. 

"No, she taught me how to order in restaurants."

Nadia patted her cheek. "When they cool, I show you how to make them the way Mikhail likes best."

Luring a Lady


Bacon and Cheese Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs get even more delicious when topped with cheddar cheese and bacon crumbles.