Nov 28, 2017

Forest bathing

Carelessly Jillian tossed her hat aside, then sat on a rock to pull off her boots. 
As her jeans and shirt followed she listened to the sound of a warbler singing importantly of spring and sunshine. 
Black-eyed Susans were springing up at the edge of the grass. The water was deliciously cool. When she lowered herself into it, she could forget about the aches in her muscles, the faint, dull pain in her lower back, and the sense of despair that had followed her out of the west pasture. 
As owner and boss of Utopia, she'd deal with what needed to be dealt with. For now, she needed to be only Jillian. 
It was spring, the sun was warm. If the breeze was right, she could smell the young roses. 
Dipping her head back, she let the water flow over her face and hair.

Boundary Lines


By User:K.lee - This file was derived fromBierstadt Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, USA.jpg:, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Forest bathing involves immersing yourself in nature in a mindful way—no nudity required. According to the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs (yes, that’s a thing), the benefits are many.


She didn't splash around but simply drifted quietly so that the water made soft lapping sounds that didn't disturb the birdsong. 
He thought he could see the fatigue drain from her. 
It was the first time he'd seen her completely relaxed without the light of adventure or temper or even laughter in her eyes. 
This was something she did for herself, and though he knew he intruded, he stayed where he was. 

Boundary Lines