Sep 28, 2017

Sex After 60

“I’ve wondered since you called if we’d take each other to bed tonight, then I had to do thirty minutes of yoga to stop being nervous.”
“Nervous? You?”
“I’m not a kid,” she reminded him as she drew him into her bedroom, where the light through the windows glowed soft. “Men your age often look at thirty-somethings, not fifty-somethings.
That’s twenty years of gravity against me.”
“What would I want with someone young enough to be my kid?”
When she laughed at that, he grinned. “Hell. It’d just make me feel old. I’m already worried I’ll mess this up. I’m out of practice, Ella.”
“I’m pretty rusty myself. I guess we’ll see if we tune up as we go. You could start by kissing me again. We both seemed to have that part down.”
He reached for her, and this time her arms went around his neck. He felt her rise up to her toes again as their lips met, as they parted for the slow, seductive slide of tongues.
He let himself stop thinking, stop worrying what if. Just act. His hands stroked down her back, over her hips, up her sides, then up again to pull the pins out of her hair.
It tumbled over his hands, slid through his fingers while she tipped back her head so his lips could find the line of her throat.
Nerves floated away on an indescribable mix of comfort and excitement. She shivered when he eased back to unbutton her shirt. As he did when she did the same for him.
She slipped out of her sandals; he toed off his shoes.
“So far . . .”
“So good,” he finished, and kissed her again.
And, oh, yes, she thought, he definitely had that part down.

Chasing Fire


By Ian MacKenzie (Flickr: Old Couple) [CC BY 2.0 
(], via Wikimedia Commons

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Sex After 60

Here's what to know as you go into your golden years of lovemaking.