Sep 20, 2016

Mentions in Nora Books

Enjoying herself, Cat rehearsed in the empty lounge for an audience of one. Daniel had taken to sitting at one of the tables whenever the lounge was closed, and commenting and kibitzing on her song list.
"That means you can't have some variety?" He glowered at her from under snowy white eyebrows. "Why, there's some Scottish tunes that will rip a man's heart out of his chest while it's still beating. With that voice of yours, any man with the blood of the Scots in him would fall in love with you."

MacGregor Grooms - Duncan


Loch Lomond - Peter Hollens


Taking her cue, Cat stepped into the key light. "Daniel MacGregor? I have something for you."
"Well, what are you doing skulking around then? Come over here and give it to me."
"It comes from here. And from here," she added, touching a hand to her heart.
She sang for him, the old Scottish ballad "Loch Loman." Because she kept her eyes on him, she saw his begin to swim. And felt her own sting in response.

MacGregor Grooms - Duncan