After his first experience - a successful one if you ask me - with Nora's books, dear husband has been dedicated to HIS kind of books.
I didn't push or even asked if he wanted to read more... as I was deep in The Obsession and waiting for my Bay of Sighs to arrive so I was a bit surprised when he asked: "find me something to read."
I asked: "do you want to read Nora again?"
He said "OK"
And that was it. I chose Northern Light because we talk constantly of Alaska and how much we'd like to visit. And - to be honest - I wanted to see and hear his reaction to Meg's outgoing and somehow unique ways.
So on June 10th he starts reading NORTHERN LIGHTS.
9 days after starting Northern Lights - yesterday - Dear Husband turned to me and said:
"After such a day - he had a Lish day with lots of things to do that as gratifying as they were tired him to the bone, and on top weather turned into August overnight, and he had been working outdoors for hours - all I want is to crawl back to Lunacy and Meg's Cabin".
And off he went to bed to read his book.
He's really enjoying it!!! I'm very happy with my husband enjoying one of my favorite books from Nora.
He's done it. It's August the 2nd and he took his time to enjoy and finish it. Those last pages seemed to take longer than the rest of the reading :). He liked it very much. He went through all the stages I did when reading the book which is curious as we're nothing alike. It was funny to see him pointing The Professor as the killer. It was sweet to see his bafflement and then the happiness and love for Meg. Admiration for Burke since day 1 and that he took his sweet time to read those last pages tells me he didn't want to leave Lunacy or this story. He's asking for more from Nora. I'm undecided between the Concannon Sisters or In the Garden Trilogies. He really loved the Quinn's - and already claiming that it's one of the kind - so I think he prefers it to standalone novels.
He's done it. It's August the 2nd and he took his time to enjoy and finish it. Those last pages seemed to take longer than the rest of the reading :). He liked it very much. He went through all the stages I did when reading the book which is curious as we're nothing alike. It was funny to see him pointing The Professor as the killer. It was sweet to see his bafflement and then the happiness and love for Meg. Admiration for Burke since day 1 and that he took his sweet time to read those last pages tells me he didn't want to leave Lunacy or this story. He's asking for more from Nora. I'm undecided between the Concannon Sisters or In the Garden Trilogies. He really loved the Quinn's - and already claiming that it's one of the kind - so I think he prefers it to standalone novels.