Apr 4, 2016

Traits of an Empath

She was exhausted, and the powers of the crystals in her pouch were nearly depleted. For almost twelve hours, she had gone through the labor of childbirth with her cousin, as closely linked as it was possible to be. 
Her body was heavy with fatigue, her mind drugged with it. 
It was a common result of a strong empathic link.



By Remi Mathis - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27900331

Just so you are aware being an Empath is not the same as having empathy. We are all born with empathy and have the ability to empathize with another; Empaths have not only the ability to empathize with another, but also to understand another person’s entire emotional process which can bring clarity and wisdom to those who are drawn to them for help or healing in some way or another.
Below you will find some of the traits of an Empath, each empath is individual but all empaths feel, so if you are an empath reading this blog it is more than likely that you will have a few aha moments when reading these or relate on some level within your own journey.


Apparently he was pretty vicious about it, and with her empathic thing she's really vulnerable to, well… bad vibes, let's say. It left her pretty shaky.
