Mar 21, 2016

Successful Women Who Were Late Bloomers

"I'm tired. Sick and tired of being made to feel as if I have nothing to offer. No skills, no talents, no brains."
"Then you weren't listening."
"Oh, I heard you." She yanked off her gloves, tossed them down as well. "I'm to be charming and elegant. Like some well-tailored doll that can be plunked down at the right time and the right place, and tucked away in the closet the rest of the time. Well, no thanks. I've been tucked away quite long enough."
She started to push by him, yanked her arm when he closed his hand over it. Then stared in shock as he simply took her other arm and held her in place. No one handled her. It simply wasn't done.
"Just hold on."
"Take your hands off me."
"In a minute. First, charm is a talent. Elegance is a skill. And it takes brains to know the right thing to say at the right time, and to make people feel welcome. You're good at those things, so why not use them? Second, if you think handling tourists and accounts at tastings and tours is fluff work, you'll find out different if you work up the guts to try it."
"I don't need you to tell me—"
"Apparently you do."

The Villa


By Peter Flaherty - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

Wildly Successful Women Who Were Late Bloomers

Is there a set age you should expect success to happen in your life? At what age should you stop trying and realize the dream is over? Just like there isn’t a one-fits-all doctrine for the right age to start a business, there is no set timeline for when success will strike either. For most of us, our 20s are a blur of job-hopping and career mistakes, and while it certainly doesn’t feel like it at the time, these are crucial career building blocks.



"I haven't come in before during your tours. Didn't want you to think I was checking up on you." 

He lifted her pearls, let them run through his fingers. "You, Ms. Giambelli, are a natural."

"You know what? You're right," she agreed, delighted with herself. "Just as you were right to push me into this. It gives me something tangible to do."

"I didn't push you. The fact that no one does is one of your secrets. You figured out a long time ago how to live your life the way that made sense to you at the time. Times changed. I opened a door, but you're the one who walked through it."

"That's very interesting." Amused at both of them, she cocked her head. "I'm not sure my family would agree with you. I'm not sure I do."

The Villa