Feb 17, 2016

Éirinn go Brách

"I…" Brenna felt the color rush hot to her cheeks—the curse of a redhead. "Well, that's not…" 
Lies trembled on her tongue and simply refused to fall. "Oh, hell." She rubbed her uninjured hand over her face, then stopped abruptly, fingers spread around eyes that went suddenly wide and appalled. 
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it shows?"

Tears of the Moon



She had time to squeal, barely, and to swerve into the hedgerows as a car barreled around the curve.

Brakes screamed, the car veered, and Maggie ended up bottom first in the blackthorn.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what kind of a blind, ignorant fool is it who tries to run down innocent people?"

Born in Fire