Nov 12, 2014

Retire! Just don't go home...

Since his father had retired from the force the year before, he’d piddled with a variety of hobbies including golf, photography, woodworking and cooking. He’d decided he hated golf after the first nine holes. He’d also decided that he had no eye for photography, no affinity for wood and no skill in the kitchen.

Six months after his retirement, Celia sat him down, told him she loved him more than she had the day they’d married. And if he didn’t find something to do and get out of her house she was going to kill him in his sleep.

The local youth center saved his life and his marriage.

River's End


Stressed wives suffer 'retired husband syndrome'

Retirement is supposed to be a contented time when couples settle down, free at last to relax and enjoy the easy life.
But scientists have suggested that when husband and wife finally have the chance to spend quality time together, stress levels are actually sent soaring.
The report suggested that many wives begin suffering from ‘retired husband syndrome’ once their men give up their jobs.