Jun 19, 2014

What's in a Name?

“What's his name?”
She looked up from the puppy's adoring eyes. “Dog? That's it?”
“He likes it. Hey, Dog.” At the sound of his master's voice, Dog immediately cocked
his head at Nathaniel and barked. “See?”
“Yes.” She laughed and nuzzled. “It seems a bit unimaginative.”
“On the contrary. How many dogs do you know named Dog?”

Megan's Mate


Your pet is an important part of your family. So when you bring a new furry friend into your life, you should show the same careful consideration when choosing his or her name as you would when deciding what to call your newborn son or daughter. 

"People see their pets as companions," says Frank Nuessel, Ph.D., a linguistics professor at the University of Louisville and editor of NAMES: A Journal of Omnastics. "So it makes sense that there's a link between how we name children and how we name animals. The act of naming is such a symbolic thing," he says. 


“A bird?”
“A parrot I picked up in the Caribbean about five years ago. That's another reason I
bring Dog along with me. Bird might eat him.”

Megan's Mate