Sep 25, 2012

the buck stops here

"Problem?" Cam leaned on the doorjamb, tongue in his cheek. It was an amusing sight after a hard day's work, he decided. His well-riled wife stalking around his all-but-bare-assed brother.
"Somebody's been in my garden and they stole my flowers."
"No kidding? Want me to call the cops?" 
"Oh, shut up." She whirled back to Ethan, who took a cautious and cowardly step in retreat. She looked fit to murder. "Well?"
"Well, I…" He'd intended to confess, throw himself on her mercy. But the woman glaring at him out of dark, furious eyes looked several quarts low on mercy. "Rabbits," he said slowly. "Probably."
"Yeah." He shifted uncomfortably, wishing to Christ he'd at least gotten his pants on before she burst in.
"Rabbits can be a problem with gardens. They just hop up and help themselves."
"Rabbits," she said again.
"Could be deer," he added, just a little desperately. "They'd graze over and eat every damn thing down to stubs." Counting on pity, he shot a look at Cam. "Right?"
Cam weighed the situation, knew Anna was city girl enough to buy it. Oh, Ethan would owe him for this, he decided and smiled. "Oh, yeah, deer and rabbits, big problem." Which having two dogs running tame pretty much eliminated, he mused.

Rising Tides




20 Ways to Keep Deer Out of Your Yard




Sure, they're pretty to look at, if you're quick—and quiet enough to catch a glimpse of deer galloping off into the distance. But set loose in your garden, they will ravage your tender tulips and plump pansies, leaving foliage raggedy and the fruits of your labor plumaged. Fortunately, with a little bit of insight into their habits, you can prevent your flowers, bulbs, and vegetables from becoming a free buffet.


