Jun 4, 2012

garden for longevity

she walked home through the woods and raided her personal greenhouse. She planted cannas in a spot she wanted to dramatize, larkspur and primroses where she wanted more charm. In the shade, she added some ladybells and cranesbill for serenity.
Her serenity, she thought, could always be found here, in the gardens, in the soil, in the shadow of Harper House.

Black Rose


From Pots to Plots


What does your garden grow? 

You may have a few humble window boxes or an ambitious veggie plot, but did you realize that when you’re playing in the dirt, you’re protecting your physical and mental health? 

Gardening is one of the best ways to tune your body to the seasonal fluctuations in your environment. 
Plus, it can reduce incidence of heart disease, osteoporosis, stress, and weight gain. 
No wonder this is one of the most common hobbies amongst centenarians around the world! 

And the best news? 

Studies show that you don’t need to dig up your entire yard to reap these benefits, a few houseplants or urban window boxes will do the trick!
