Jun 18, 2020

Here’s how to avoid ‘dad jeans’

Hope came back through with a man wearing what Ryder thought of as dad jeans—
though his own had never worn them.

The Perfect Hope


By David Adam Kess - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

As a catch-all term, “dad jeans” encompasses any pair that’s light blue, higher-waisted, looser-fitting and hypothetically favored by middle-aged men such as Jerry Seinfeld and Barack Obama.

And yet despite being adopted by the cool kids a few years ago as part of the “normcore” aesthetic, “dad jeans” have become a synonym for “outdated.” That’s likely because most men never tossed out their roomier jeans when slim, selvedge denim was in vogue — or learned the difference between old-looking (read: vintage cool) and out-of-date.

Which brings us to how you, sir, can dodge that dreaded buzzword.

Jun 17, 2020

At the store...

... I spotted these mismatched earrings for sale...

Guess who they reminded me of? ✋


Preston noted that the dangles in her ears didn't match and
wondered if it was a fashion statement or carelessness.

The Perfect Neighbor

She ran back out, her feet in another pair of those skinny heels,
her lips slicked with deep pink and earrings dangling. 
Mismatched again he noted

Jun 15, 2020

Still not sure what to feel about Hideaway? Relax...

...Netflix got you covered:

I watched NETFLIX Sweet Magnolias'1st Season and enjoyed it so much.

It reminds me of Nora's KEY TRILOGY (which is A FavouriteπŸ’“) 
and the standalone THE LIAR (which doesn't make, for me, the top 50 πŸ’”, 
but might return to it now and give it another chance). ~
I even "found" some CiCi  (from SHELTER in PLACEvibes.

Give it a try if you can πŸ’™

Summer Solstice

“Last year I went to Ireland for the solstice,” he told her. “There’s a small
stone dance there, in County Cork. It’s more intimate than Stonehenge. The
sky stays light until nearly ten, and when it begins to fade, toward the end of
the longest day, the stones sing.”

Face the Fire


By Herb Roe - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

things to know about the longest day of the year

Why do we have a summer solstice, anyway? Friday, June 21 will be the longest day of 2019 for anyone living north of the equator. If pagan rituals are your thing, this is probably a big moment for you. If not, the solstice is still pretty neat.