Jun 18, 2020

Here’s how to avoid ‘dad jeans’

Hope came back through with a man wearing what Ryder thought of as dad jeans—
though his own had never worn them.

The Perfect Hope


By David Adam Kess - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

As a catch-all term, “dad jeans” encompasses any pair that’s light blue, higher-waisted, looser-fitting and hypothetically favored by middle-aged men such as Jerry Seinfeld and Barack Obama.

And yet despite being adopted by the cool kids a few years ago as part of the “normcore” aesthetic, “dad jeans” have become a synonym for “outdated.” That’s likely because most men never tossed out their roomier jeans when slim, selvedge denim was in vogue — or learned the difference between old-looking (read: vintage cool) and out-of-date.

Which brings us to how you, sir, can dodge that dreaded buzzword.