Apr 6, 2020

How to Make Friends

"Oh, I had friends. Somewhere along the line I'd learned 
that if you didn't try so hard, if you just
relaxed and acted naturally, that there were 
a lot of people who'd like you for what you were."

Convincing Alex


By Aman dsc - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

It takes effort, but it's not impossible.

Apr 1, 2020

What kind of yoga is right for me?

“Sit down, be comfortable. Take a
couple minutes to breathe.”
“I usually breathe all day. At night, too.”
Her lips curved a little. 
“Conscious breathing now. In through the nose
—expanding the belly like
blowing up a balloon, out through the nose, 
deflating the balloon. Long, deep, even breaths. 
Belly rises
and falls. 
Relax your mind.”

Whiskey Beach


Knowing which one matches your fitness style 
is a good place to start.

Gausanchennai / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)

There are many styles of yoga to choose from, 
so if you're new to yoga, it might be confusing to 
know what style to try.


“On an inhale, lean left. Don’t overstretch, Hester.”
“You’ve got me doing old-lady yoga.”
The annoyance in Hester’s voice made the whole scene 
marginally less weird.
“We’re taking it slow. Breathe here. Inhale, both arms up, palms touch. 
Exhale. Inhale and lean right.
Both arms up. Repeat that twice.”

Whiskey Beach