Mar 11, 2019

Not-Your-Mama’s Tuna Casserole

“Because you don’t know what to do with a can of tuna?”

Unfinished Business


Modern Tuna Casserole


“Wouldn’t I want to fix him a meal, something we could sit down to together, 
something we could talk over? Isn’t that something he would want? Expect?”
“Why don’t you ask him?”
“Damn it, Brady, don’t you see? I couldn’t make it work.”
“All I see is that you’re having trouble putting—” He leaned forward to
look at the disarray on the counter. “What is this?”
Her mouth moved into a pout. “It’s supposed to be a tuna casserole.”
“You’re having trouble putting a tuna casserole together.”

Unfinished Business