Mar 31, 2016

This Magic Moment

The Lady Vanishes. It was an old illusion, given a modern twist, and never failed to leave the audience gasping. 

The glittery crowd at Radio City was as eager to be duped as a group of slack-jawed rubes at a
dog and pony show.

Even as Roxanne stepped onto the glass pedestal she could feel their anticipation—the silvery edge of it that was a merging of hope and doubt glued together with wonder. Those inching forward in their seats ranged from president to peon.

Magic made equals of them all.

Honest Illusions


By Glueballs - Own work, Public Domain,

Magic allows you to experience the impossible. It creates a conflict between the things you think can happen and the things that you experience. While some magicians would like you to believe that they possess real magical powers, the true secret behind magic lies in clever psychological techniques that exploit limitations in the way our brains work. Many of these limitations are very counter-intuitive which is why we can experience the magical wonder of the impossible.


He gave a small laugh and shuffled the cards gently. 
“Mumbo jumbo, Miss Swan. A device to keep someone's attention focused 
and to add mystery to quick thinking and observation. 
Most people prefer to be fooled. Explanations leave them 
disappointed. Even most realists.”


He managed to keep his face seriously composed as he stripped off his shirt. “The mind wants to believe the impossible,” he continued as he went into the bath to wash. “Yet it doesn‟t. Therein lies the fascination. If the impossible is not possible, then how was it done before your eyes and under your nose?”

This Magic Moment