Mar 30, 2016

Things You Didn’t Know about Your Handshake

Too young to be competition, he decided. He doubted if the guy was old enough to buy beer. 

But there was a territorial sense in the drape of the arm and a look in the eyes that was a combination of curiosity and warning.

The stepbrother, Gabe concluded, and he stepped forward to meet them.

“Haven’t you dried off yet?” he said to Kelsey, and watched the vague annoyance flit over her face.

“It’s a new day, Slater. This is Channing Osborne, Gabriel Slater.”

“It’s nice you could pay your sister a visit.”

“I thought so.”

It amused Gabe that Channing increased his grip several unnecessary degrees for the handshake.

True Betrayals


By Rufino - hermandad - friendship, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Almost any human-to-human interaction goes more smoothly if people first shake hands, finds research in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. By activating parts of your brain tied to social interaction, shaking people’s hands primes them to see you in a favorable light, and lowers the odds of them negatively interpreting your words or behavior, the authors say.


Sheriff Curtis Dearborne harbored an innate distrust of outsiders. Since he considered any member of the LAPD an outsider, an East Coast cop was an entity to be watched with extra care.

He was a towering, well-muscled man who wore his uniform proudly starched, kept his sandy
moustache well trimmed and lightly waxed, and spit-polished his boots. Beneath his military sense of polish and style lurked a well of country-boy charm that he used cleverly and with great success.

He rose from his desk when Jed and Dora entered. His square, handsome face was set in serious lines, his handshake was dry and firm.

“Captain Skimmerhorn. Pretty handy you being out our way when we identify the John Doe.”

Jed summed up his man instantly. Dearborne was going to be territorial. Jed’s first move was to
acknowledge Dearborne’s authority.

“I appreciate your passing on the information, Sheriff. I’m sure Lieutenant Chapman filled you in on the mess we’ve got back home. This quick work on your part will be some comfort to Officer Trainor’s widow.”

It was exactly the right button. Dearborne’s eyes frosted, his mouth thinned.

Hidden Riches