Jan 24, 2022

This was private, fun and different πŸ’


"Fine. Here and now, then." He picked up his pants, dug the jeweler's box out of the pocket. He held it out to her, flipped up the lid with his thumb.

"Oh, my Jesus Christ," she said and sat down heavily on the lid of the toilet.

"Yeah, that's romance."

Key of Knowledge


Juliescribbles, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Jodie Kidd has divulged that she was in the bath when her fiancΓ© Joseph Bates popped the question in Paris. 

 The former model, 43, revealed details of last November's proposal and described it as 'private, fun and different.' 



She grabbed Dana's hand again to admire the ruby. "It's gorgeous. So perfect for you."

"So's he. Wait until I tell you how he asked me."

“I can top it," Malory claimed.

"Were you naked?"


Dana licked a finger, swiped it down an imaginary Scoreboard. "I win."

Key of Knowledge