Nov 5, 2018

Real-Life Neighbor Nightmares You Won’t Believe

Maddy sniffed again and caught the rich, dark scent of coffee. "Where did you get it?"
"Oh, I borrowed a few scoops from your next-door neighbor."
Wine bottle in hand, Maddy drew out of the cupboard. "Not Guido."
"Yes, Guido. The one with the biceps and large teeth."
Maddy unearthed two glasses. "Chantel, I've lived next door to him for years and I wouldn't exchange 
a good-morning with him without an armed guard."

Dance to the Piper


CC BY 2.0,

So you think you have some crazy neighbors? We scoured reddit for these 30 real-life neighbor nightmares—some of which may make you rethink just what makes someone a crazy neighbor.


Preston didn't regret his actions. Not for a minute. He calculated his studied rudeness 
would keep his terminally pert neighbor with the turned-up nose 
and sexy pink toenails out of his hair during his stay across the hall. 
The last thing he needed was the local welcoming
committee rolling up at his door, especially when it was led by a 
bubbly motormouth brunette with eyes like a fairy.
Damn it, in New York, people were supposed to ignore their neighbors. 
He was pretty sure it was a city ordinance, and if not, it should be.

The Perfect Neighbor