May 16, 2016


Mal glanced at Jack. "No, the other one did. Ms. Brown."
He took a hit of his beer.
"The one who says 'excuse me' and means 'fuck you'."
"That would be Parker," Del confirmed.

Bed of Roses


I'd rather stand tall
Than live on my knees,
'Cause I am a conqueror,
And I won't accept defeat!


But it wasn't fear, that familiar burn in her throat: it wasn't panic, with its sharp, fluttering wings in her belly. It was rage she felt, the hot, bubbling gush of it pumping through her blood.
She wouldn't lie helpless this time, not this time, while someone she loved was taken from her. Not this time, not ever again.
She heard Rick shouting her name, and forced back the tears that wanted to blur her eyes. Brody hadn't stopped him.
So she stopped, closed her eyes and ordered herself to think. She couldn't go running back to the cabin.
He'd hear her, see her. And he would end it. He might very well end up killing Lo and Linda-gail as well.
Circle around, she decided. She could do that. He'd think she was still running, or just hiding. He
wouldn't expect her to come back to fight.

Angels Fall