Apr 29, 2016

Motherly embrace

Deep in the boggy soil the bones lay, almost perfectly articulated from sternum to skull.

She would continue to excavate the rest.

The remains told a story without words. The larger skeleton with the smaller turned close
to its side, tucked there in the crook of the elbow.

“They buried them together,” Callie said at length. “From the size of the remains, the
infant died in childbirth or shortly after. The mother, most likely the same. The lab should
be able to confirm that. 
They buried them together,” she said again. 

“That’s more intimate than tribal. That’s family.”



It is a fitting discovery as Mother's Day approaches.
Archaeologists have uncovered the ancient remains of a young mother and an infant child locked in a 4,800-year-old embrace.


And here was proof that the love could last
thousands of years.
